Monday, December 27, 2010

Been Away Too Long!

I've been away from you my friend Mr. Blogger for too long but it was all for good reasons.... When you are a solo-entrepreneur you have to wear many, many hats and sometimes blogging kind of gets lost in the shuffle. I have so many good things coming my way and I have to share some of it. White Haute Fashions will have a few pieces in a beautiful boutique in Brooklyn New York to start the new year off right... I am so excited! We are expanding to include women's evening wear, ie cocktail dresses, strappy shoes and some really gorgeous handbags. I am co-hosting an online fashion show with fellow up and coming designers (more info to come next week about the online fashion show... check back with us), the possibility of another fashion show in March in Jacksonville, Florida and the most important fashion show thus far in June. As I officially sign up with these fashion shows I will provide dates and times. WHF has new jewelry in stock and I will be debuting those gorgeous pieces next week, all in preparation for the new changes at White Haute Fashions.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Just In..... Bracelets

I recently purchased some absolutely gorgeous cuff and hinge bracelets... oh they are to die for! I wasn't really sure about how they would sell so I didn't order very many, big mistake. I had to place another order and they should be here next week so if you are interested please email me at Just take a look at how gorgeous they are....


20% Close Out Sale.... Making Room for 2010 Fall Collection

White Haute Fashions is having a 20% close out sale on the remaining rings in stock to make room for the 2010 Fall Collection. I invite you to stop by or stop by my FB page to see all the rings on sale. Showcasing 2010 Fall Collection October 8, 2010.... stay tune!
